Man Has Tearful Reunion With His Long-Lost Cat After 7 Years Apart

Man Has Tearful Reunion With His Long-Lost Cat After 7 Years Apart

It’s always heartbreaking when a pet goes missing, and sometimes it seems like they’re just gone for good. Despite all your efforts to find them, after a certain point you just lose hope.

But sometimes miracles happen, and pets return after a long absence when you least expect them.

That was the case for one man, who lost his beloved cat… and had an unexpected reunion with her years later.

About eight years ago, a man named Robert lost his cat Chebon. The timing couldn’t have been worse: it was right before he planned to move from California to Ohio.

“I remember at one point I was praying and I said, ‘God, I’ll do anything, just bring my Chebon back,’” he recalled.

Robert delayed his move a year so he could look for the cat, but never found him. After that, he lost hope the cat would be found, and went ahead with the move.

But then, seven years later, a woman from Ventura County, California found a stray cat, and took him to the local animal shelter. Using a microchip, they were able to find the cat’s owner: Robert.

That’s right: even after all those years, and after the man and his cat were states apart, they were still able to identify Robert as the owner.

At 19 years old, Chebon was now an old cat but still looking good, and miraculously got to reunite with his owner after all this time.

Robert broke down in tears and petted his old friend.


Robert had flown all the way to California to pick up his long-lost cat, but still worried it might be too good to be true.

“I was afraid there was some kind of mistake,” Robert said.

But it was real, and now Robert and Chebon will be able to make up for lost time and spend the rest of the old cat’s life together, finally reunited.

It’s a beautiful story that shows that miracles can happen and you should never fully give up hope.

But it’s also a reminder to get your pets microchipped! It’s a simple, affordable procedure that can help people identify your lost pets no matter how long they’ve been gone.

Share this beautiful story!

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