Dog Sits Outside His Mom’s Shop To Shake Hands With Customers Every Day

It can be beneficial for a business to bring your dog to work, especially if he likes to shake paws with every passerby.
After only a few days of taking her 8-year-old English bulldog, Nelson, to work with her, Conny Steyaert discovered that.
Nelson began accompanying Steyaert, a women’s clothing vendor in Belgium’s outdoor markets and street fairs, when he was still a puppy to manage his anxiety.
“[He’s] a very sensitive dog,” Steyaert said. “[He] is a mellow and very chill dog at home, but he does not like to be left alone.”
“He is happiest [when] outdoors,” she added.
Steyaert set Nelson up with his blanket in front of her stand while she worked rather than leaving him at home throughout the day. He could relax there and observe his surroundings.
Nelson quickly realized that waiting patiently in this location would attract the attention of passersby who were shopping.
Steyaert remarked, “What touches me the most is when he lifts his paw to [shake] with people. He knows how to steal their hearts.”
Watch Nelson win over the hearts of strangers here:
My dog Nelson… everyone’s best friend! 🥺❤️
♬ Steal My Girl – One Direction
“I was surprised [by] what a good, loving, and chill dog Nelson was with people at work,” Steyaert said. “But I was more surprised by the behavior of people. I never thought pedestrians would pet a stranger’s dog so often.”
Nelson can receive anything from casual head turns to full-on adoration from strangers walking by his mom’s place of employment. “So many people would take pictures of him and say what a beautiful and sweet dog he [was],” Steyaert said. “Some would even bring a treat for him.”
Nelson meets strangers most of the time while at work, but over time, the stoic bulldog has made a lot of “best friends.” In turn, his mother has become more well-known in her neighborhood.
“It happens often that people recognize me through Nelson,” Steyaert said.
Nelson has not only made unaware customers smile, but he has also helped some of the people he has encountered while working with his mother.
“One day, a girl was passing by [our stand] and stopped to ask me if she could pet Nelson,” Steyaert recalled. However, the girl began to cry when Steyaert agreed. She told Steyaert that her bulldog had passed away recently and that she was glad to meet Nelson.
Nelson’s presence also helps bring customers, but what thrives is his relationship with his mother. “He is my best friend, always by my side. [He has] changed my life,” Steyaert said.
Source: The Dodo